1,234 sack lunches provided to local children as part of COVID-19 response

Sowing Seeds of Hope coordinated the packing and distribution of 1,234 sack lunches for children in the two weeks between Perry County School’s closure due to COVID-19 and the implementation of the summer meals program.

Partners in this effort included Eagle Grove Baptist Church, Uniontown First Baptist Church, Providence Baptist Church, Marion United Methodist Church, Siloam Baptist Church, the Judson College Faith-Based Service and Learning and Campus Ministries programs, and the Mann Center for Ethics and Leadership at Samford University.

Students and staff from Judson College were instrumental in this project. After their spring make mission trip with Street Reach Memphis was cancelled, six students and four staff members chose to stay in Marion to serve.

On behalf of the children of Perry County, Sowing Seeds of Hope would like to thank everyone who made this effort possible.